Tuesday, September 07, 2004

L. Ron Hubbard

Learn how Scientology leader L. Ron Hubbard lives beyond death. Not exactly what we're working at, but still an interesting read.

L. Ron Hubbard

"Thus, at 2000 hours, Friday 24 January 1986, L. Ron Hubbard discarded the body he had used in this lifetime for seventy-four years, ten months and eleven days. The body he had used to facilitate his existence in this universe had ceased to be useful and in fact had become an impediment to the work he now must do outside its confines. The being we knew as L. Ron Hubbard still exists. Although you may feel grief, understand that he did not, and does not now. He has simply moved on to his next step."

Walt Disney - Will He Return?

The Grim Mausoleum - Walt Disney

According to the Grim Society Walt Disney blew his chance to live forever. Is this true? One day if you live long enough you just might find out What's inside Walt Disney's tomb.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Learn More About Life Extension Foundation

These guys have the right idea. Glad we're not the only ones out there who will be living it up forever.

About Us - Learn More About Life Extension Foundation

The Life Extension Foundation is a nonprofit organization, whose long-range goal is the radical extension of the healthy human lifespan. In seeking to control aging, our objective is develop methods to enable us to live in health, youth and vigor for unlimited periods of time. The Life Extension Foundation was officially incorporated in 1980, but the founders have been involved in antiaging research since the 1960's.

The Life Extension Foundation is the largest organization dedicated to investigating every method of extending the healthy human life span. When seeking methods to slow aging and prevent disease, The Foundation often uncovers potential therapies to treat the degenerative diseases of aging such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, cancer, stroke, macular degeneration, etc.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

How to Live Forever: Pushing Limits of the Human Life Span

How to Live Forever: Pushing Limits of the Human Life Span: "

LOS ANGELES March 9, 1999 -- They were a small group of eminent academic scientists who had their reputations to think of. They were repelled by what they saw as the hucksterism and charlatanism that had given attempts to delay human aging a bad name.

And yet, at a recent meeting here, most agreed that science might be on the brink of being able to stretch the human life span, perhaps significantly.

Scientists have had astonishing success in recent years in increasing the life spans of laboratory species like worms and fruit flies. The time was ripe to review these discoveries and discuss what might lie ahead, said Dr. Gregory Stock, the conference organizer, who is director of the program on medicine, technology and science at the University of California School of Medicine at Los Angeles. 'Given adequate funding, given lucky breaks, how far could we go?' Stock asked.

After designing long-lived worms and flies, experts turn to people.

Ten scientists attended the two-day meeting. Future generations, they said, may be able to avail themselves of scientifically established techniques to stretch the human life span like a piece of taffy until it reaches 150, even 200 years."

eatonweb portal :: New Age

eatonweb portal :: New Age

We're listed at new age. Yes it will be a new age of eternal life. Spread the word.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Society Demands Death

Society teaches us from a young age that we will get old and then die. Death is portrayed as an inevitable fact of life. The truth is death exists outside of life. Death is a concept just like marriage or religion. As a whole society created and accepted various religions to keep people in line. It was believed that without religion everyone would constantly be committing evil acts. Marriage was created and accepted in order to keep the various religions populated and alive.

Death was created by society to eliminate overcrowding. It is a human construct that like marriage and religion can be rejected without consenquence. Single people, and atheists are prime candidates for the rejection of death. These open minded individuals have already rejected many of society's conventions. They are usually quick to realize that dying is in fact wrong and that society is once again trying to shackle them with ideas that simply don't fit their lifestyle.