Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Society Demands Death

Society teaches us from a young age that we will get old and then die. Death is portrayed as an inevitable fact of life. The truth is death exists outside of life. Death is a concept just like marriage or religion. As a whole society created and accepted various religions to keep people in line. It was believed that without religion everyone would constantly be committing evil acts. Marriage was created and accepted in order to keep the various religions populated and alive.

Death was created by society to eliminate overcrowding. It is a human construct that like marriage and religion can be rejected without consenquence. Single people, and atheists are prime candidates for the rejection of death. These open minded individuals have already rejected many of society's conventions. They are usually quick to realize that dying is in fact wrong and that society is once again trying to shackle them with ideas that simply don't fit their lifestyle.


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