Monday, May 23, 2005

Burn Your Brain to CD

According to the article "The wealthy will be able to download their consciousness into computers by 2050"

Personally I'd prefer to upload my brain to a computer, but if the wealthy will be foolish enough to try to download them instead who am I to argue.

Wonder how many DVDs it would take to fit my brain? | - Digital Immortality - Download the Mind by 2050

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Speech Synthesis

There's no telling how long your human voice box will hold up for. It's possible that at some point past 100 years the old vocal cords will just dry up and snap off. If that happens don't worry. There are many free voice synthesis resorces available on the web. Just type in what you want to say, choose a voice and you're set. You can even save these to wav files. Have fun.