Sunday, February 13, 2005

Black Box Predicts Future

Scientists have created a black box that can predict the future. They believe that somehow it is tapping into the universal mind. The theory is that time runs backwards and that our brains subconsciously know what's going to happen next. Read up. I believe this research will prove quite useful to our cause.

Here is the complete article:

Can This Black Box See Into the Future?

DEEP in the basement of a dusty university library in Edinburgh lies a small black box, roughly the size of two cigarette packets side by side, that churns out random numbers in an endless stream.

But, according to a growing band of top scientists, this box has quite extraordinary powers. It is, they claim, the 'eye' of a machine that appears capable of peering into the future and predicting major world events.

The machine apparently sensed the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Centre four hours before they happened - but in the fevered mood of conspiracy theories of the time, the claims were swiftly knocked back by sceptics. But last December, it also appeared to forewarn of the Asian tsunami just before the deep sea earthquake that precipitated the epic tragedy.

Now, even the doubters are acknowledging that here is a small box with apparently inexplicable powers.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

God Wants You To Live

Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Posted by Hello

If you believe in God, and you believe that the Bible is the word of God, then you believe that you are created in his image.

You owe it to him to preserve that image. God has never died. He has this eternal image that he doesn't like to tarnish. Uphold the image of an eternal living God. Don't die, it makes God look bad.

Franko Posted by Hello

Ben Franklin Active Dead Guy

1758 Ben Franklin states "It would be thought a hard Government that should tax its People one tenth Part of their Time, to be employed in its Service. But Idleness taxes many of us much more, if we reckon all that is spent in absolute Sloth, or doing of nothing, with that which is spent in idle Employments or Amusements, that amount to nothing. Sloth, by bringing on Diseases, absolutely shortens Life."

He also was quoted as saying "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy and wise."

History shows that Mr. Franklin died in 1790 at at the childs age of 84. Perhaps if Mr. Franklin spent a little less time waking up at dawn, chasing the wealth, and running around with kites, and more time working on his slothfulness he'd still be here today.

Franklin, you forefather, with all your wisdom, why didn't you realize that dying is wrong.